Friday, April 1, 2011

Coming [Back] Soon

I just wanted to check in and reassure anyone who might be following this blog that I'll be back to writing next week. I've been on a three-week hiatus because of a one-week trip to LA, a one-week road trip through Arizona, and a short trip to Portland. Oh, and I'm sitting in a Blenz Coffee in Vancouver as we speak. Needless to say, there's tons of food and drink I'm looking forward to sharing.

Here's a brief preview of things to come: two more roast chickens, shrimp toast, mind-blowing pizza, tons of tacos, Japanese hot dogs, a slew of cocktails, parsnip chips, my first crudo, seared scallops, inventive Mexican food, and finally getting around to sharing some Seattle bites.

For now, here's a picture of my most recent home-cooked meal.

See you next week!


  1. where's that trip to the midwest?

  2. Hahaha, one day I hope...Definitely want to hit up a crapton of places in Chi-town...You gotta hit up the Northwest some time.


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